
Colour masterbatches


We offer customised colours and have a range of standard colours available in stock. We can match a colour to a RAL, Pantone sample or toa delivered physical element.

We offer a wide range of colours dedicated for polyolefins (PE, PP), PVC, plastics based on styrene (PS, ABS, SAN), PC, PA, PET, PBT, PMMA, POM and elastomers.

Apart from standard black and white we also have colours dedicated for the production of PE film, which are available in stock. Standard film colour samples are made available at the customer’s request – please contact us by phone or fill in the form available on our website.

For the needs of our own production, we manufacture monobatches, i.e. highly concentrated (30% – 70%) preparations with one pigment. We also offer them to our business partners because using them in the production process often generates substantial savings. The possibility of using significantly smaller doses not only lowers the cost of colouring plastics, but also minimises the impact which a carrier has on the mechanical properties of the finished product.

GM Color has machines which make it possible to manufacture colour masterbatches in the form of micro granules. This form of granulation has many benefits:

  • 25% smaller doses compared with standard granulate sizes;
  • Reduced production cycle time;
  • High precision homogenisation despite the small doses;
  • Limited occurrence of “flow lines” in transparent, metallic and pearl colours.
  • Available carriers: PP Random, PP, PE, EVA.

Due to our extensive experience in recycling, our range of products includes colour masterbatches based on recycled carriers. The range of RE-GM colours is regularly extended and we add new carriers and shades.

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